UniFi Network 7.5

UniFi Network application 7.5 Has made it to release candidate…. 

Published 9/11/2023
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The UniFi Network Application is your interface into the networking side of the UniFi world, So it's always exciting when a new version comes out of beta and 7.5 is packed with improvements and updates. 


Update Sept 16 2023 - Version 7.5.176 Has been released, will this be the one?

Update : UniFi OS 3.1.16 Has been released containing 7.4, improving backups and stability and a nice set of bugfix's to the core system, This also allows client latency testing.

For the full details you can read Ubiquiti's latest release article here: UniFi Network Application 7.5.174

Previous Release Candidate : 7.5.172 has been updated following some minor bugs being found.

What is a release candidate?

Think of it as sort of a last minute holding pen.. The place where while a release is likely ready for the world, it's playing it safe just in case there is an issue. After a while it will go to everyone or a new version that will fix's some last minute discovered problems will come along.

Should you run it? 

Only you can answer that - The advice I give is to ask your self why do you want to? remember it's at the gate but hasn't actually gone through it so there is still a small chance of issues… so for production systems you would want to be cautions, but if you have test or systems you can explore with go for it :)

That said if you need one of the new features or a certain bug fix, then it may be worth it in your situation.

My take on this release

I can't really say that this release has added a new feature that makes me go “Oh WOW”, but i don't care. There are so many Quality-Of-Life fix's and improvements in this version that it honestly blows my mind. It's hard to see this as anything other than a great update bringing much needed polish and refinement.

There are three headline improvements 

They are great - for me though, I prefer being able to open side panels while staying on the same page, Fluidity makes such a difference.

What would I like to see next?

Everyone wants to see something right? 

What would you like to see?

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